Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era (Indonesian Edition) The classic samurai novel about the real exploits of the most famous swordsman.
Musashi is a novel in the best tradition of Japanese story telling. It is a living story, subtle and imaginative, teeming with memorable characters, many of them historical. Interweaving themes of unrequited love, misguided revenge, filial piety and absolute dedication to the Way of the Samurai, it depicts vividly a world Westerners know only vaguely. Full of gusto and humor, it has an epic quality and universal appeal.
・この本は洋書です。 This book is written in Indonesian. ・本の表紙と裏表紙にいくつかの汚れや傷、へこみがあります。中古品であることをご理解ください There are some stains, scratches and dents on the front and back covers of the book. Please understand that this is a used item. ・本文は綺麗な状態です。読書をするにはなんの問題もありません The inside of the book is in good condition. There is nothing wrong with you reading.
Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era (Indonesian Edition)
The classic samurai novel about the real exploits of the most famous swordsman.
Musashi is a novel in the best tradition of Japanese story telling. It is a living story, subtle and imaginative, teeming with memorable characters, many of them historical. Interweaving themes of unrequited love, misguided revenge, filial piety and absolute dedication to the Way of the Samurai, it depicts vividly a world Westerners know only vaguely. Full of gusto and humor, it has an epic quality and universal appeal.
This book is written in Indonesian.
There are some stains, scratches and dents on the front and back covers of the book. Please understand that this is a used item.
The inside of the book is in good condition. There is nothing wrong with you reading.